Caloricity up to 5,1kWh/kg
Ash up to 0,7%
Moisture up to 10%
Diameter 6mm
Tarskol pellet is an environmentally friendly product, made from carefully selected pine sawdust and wood shavings. We exercise full control over the quality of this material – this means that for production we utilise only our own sawdust & shavings. We make every effort to ensure that the material is not contaminated, of poor quality nor burned during the production process. As such, our granules always have an even surface and a uniform, bright colour.
The finished pellet is packed in standard plastic bags weighing 15 kg. The bags are sealed properly, meaning they are durable and tight. Nonetheless, the product should be protected against moisture during transport and storage. For bulk transport, the bags can be placed on pallets – each pallet contains up to 65 bags i.e. 975kg of pellet.
When ordering our pellets you can be sure that you are buying a prime-quality, authentic product.